Ryan: Sure, I would be glad to. It is getting kind of cold in here.
I think they turned the AC on.
Ryan: Yeah, I thought so to, but oh well. So where are you from?
I am from Edmonton, Alberta.
Ryan: From Edmonton EH?
Where are you from?
Ryan: I am just living in Port Moody, on the south side of the city here (Vancouver). Are you staying for the whole duration of Crankworx?
I am here until Sunday.
Ryan: Yeah, I am staying right until Sunday as well.
I am staying in Squamish, and I have a friend that is a radio DJ and she had worked as a DJ in Squamish. She had said that there are lots of people hiding from the authorities in the Squamish area. What got you into trials?
Ryan: Just fun got me into it.
How old were you when you started?
Ryan: I was about 13 years old, and I am 30 now. Mountain bikes, of course, were what got me started and racing and what not that I got into first and then I discovered the trials bike. But you know it is all about fun.
Yeah it is, if you don’t have fun riding a bike, then why does a person do it?
Ryan: Yeah exactly, you got it.
Have you ever done any XC racing, or anything like that before?
Ryan: Yeah, I did a little racing XC and a little downhill racing but fell in love with trials.
Did you have any mentors when you were young?
Ryan: Lots yeah! In the biking world, Simone Ponzri was always an early influence and I continued to look up to his methods for prolonging his career and how he managed to transform his way of influencing the mountain bike world, and spreading the good word about bikes. It is my hope as my career develops to continue coming up with new ways to get as many people riding bikes as possible.
Recently, I gave your video to my girlfriend and she has started to practice trials on her mountain bike. She had said that she can’t bunny hop, or hop curbs and wondered how I did that kind of riding. She is 37 and learning to do trials on bike.

What mentors do you have outside the mountain bike world?
Ryan: Well, the one person I really admire is Ken Logarf with the work he has done on integral thinking, and it is more of a philosophical kind of thing. His work is really powerful and I learned lots about the physics of a bike.
What do you like about bicycles so much and inspires you about them?
Ryan: Anytime I see anyone doing something creative, something new and pushing the boundaries; not just physically, but in every aspect of life and doing things in new ways, experimenting and taking risks, again not just physically on mountain bike, but in every way it is inspiring to see that.
How much air pressure you put in your tires on your trials bike?
Ryan: 35 to 40 psi, and I use tube tires.
Have you ever used tubeless tires for trials?
Ryan: I actually haven’t given it an honest try. I have been skeptical and there are too many weird twisting strains and torques, and would make it too easy for the bead to come off of the rim.

Ryan: Umm, it was actually a Norco which is ironic, and it was a mountain bike.
What would you like to achieve when you are finished trials? Do you want to do trials for the rest of your life?
Ryan: So many other things, yeah definitely it is hard to pin point just one thing because I have so many interests and there are so many things I would like to contribute. Cycling will be an important factor and it will be a vehicle for all of the things that I would like to do. Not necessarily trials, but just riding bikes in general.
Kind of like Andreas Hestler and how he now works for Rocky Mountain bikes?
Ryan: Who knows? We will see, and there are lots of ideas.
How many events do you do in a year on average?
Ryan: Usually I am up to a 200 or so trials shows in a year mixed in with all of the other stuff that goes along with it. It keeps me pretty busy.
How far have you traveled?
Ryan: All over the world I guess! I try to keep things closer to home though, in the Pacific NW for the majority of my shows. But if something good comes up and I can make good use of my time when I am over seas, then I will make a trip like that.
Who is your favorite downhiller?
Ryan: Umm, oh boy! Since I got his pin here it would have to be Peaty (Steve Peat).
He is a good guy hey?
Ryan: Yes! Good times, and he keeps it fun which is what I like to see. It is easy to take these things too seriously. Although he does take it very seriously, it’s not over the top, it is still light hearted. It is still about fun, but it just can’t be all about goofing around having fun, and you you can’t be all about being too serious. You gotta have both, but it has to be balanced, and then it is a winning combination. For Peaty, he has a very successful combination, and it works. For all those young racers out there, remember to keep it fun and don’t stress yourself out about every race and getting the best spot. Just have some nice clean fun and that will pay off in the long run.
How many times have you broken limbs?
Ryan: For me none, but I have blown my knee and that is about the worst of it.
Who is your favorite XC mountain bike racer?
Ryan: For me I remember Juli Furtado, I had pictures of her on my wall and she was an early XC racer. I also remember John Tomac back in the day. They were the early influences. I don’t follow it too closely anymore, but it is so incredible, the level the athletes are at today. The competition is fierce these days. People are obviously having to push it a little bit further each year.
What is your pre-trials meal?
Ryan: Nothing too special, and I just try to eat healthy and balanced. Just good wholesome food, and nothing too heavy.

How many hours a week do you train?
Ryan: Again, it is nothing too specific, and I am not too scientific about it. I just ride when I feel like riding, and I do cross training. The cross training I do is yoga. It has really helped me with the power and flow style I have in trials. It is going to prolong my riding career and keep my body feeling good.
What was the happiest day of your life?
Ryan: Oh! I don’t think I can pick one, I have lots of things to reminisce on. It is day by day, as well though, at the same time.
How many bikes do you own?
Ryan: I always keep two trials bikes that are identical. I have an old mountain bike that does everything that I need for my trail riding, and I have a commuter flat bar road bike that I do my errands on.
Does your better half ride?
Ryan: She does absolutely! We mountain bike together, we do trials together.
Do you have children yet?
Ryan: No, just two nephews. One of them has a perfect bunny hop. It is pretty cool, and he is six years old. He was going over my highjump bar which is a good ten inches I would say. Yep, it is pretty RAD.
For young riders what other advice do you have for them?
Ryan: Racing mountain bikes for so long, and when we would ride downhill there were no shuttles or chairlifts, and big bikes that have a big gear. We rode uphill to get our downhill. Riding single track uphill is actually really an enjoyable part of the sport, and it is actually really challenging. Also, be creative in your riding and mix it up in a way that is fulfilling to you; makes you pumped. Don’t just do what your friends are doing. You are the next generation, so progress and push the sport in any direction you want. Get creative and come up with some new ways of riding and keep it safe. I have a show coming up so I should probably get cruising.
I will come later and take some pictures.
Ryan: Thanks for the chat Patrick, nice interview.